Name: Surat Al-Fatiha.apk
ID: air.fatihasuresi
Version: Fatiha
Size: 1 Mb
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- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Surat Al-Fatiha Details
Surah Fatiha;Turkish Pronunciation
Turkish Translation
Listening to Voice
Sura Fatiha Virtues:
Suffering from lack of livelihood Fatiha 41 times each day, and then recite the following prayer. "And terzukü men sehlen.Amin helalen Vasia teşaü bi-non-hisab.Allahümmerzukni Rizka." Murad then comes in to pray to one's heart.
Read Surah Fatiha 40 times the patient a glass of water içirilirse courtesy of Allahu Teal'nın healed.
hastanında drinking water, better read the following prayer. "Allahümmeşfi ente'ş-Shafi, Allahümmekfi ente'l-Kafi, Allahumma afi ente'l-exempt."
Entering the house, no home, and the abundance of the reader increases the duration of Fatiha and Sincerity.
Fatiha before going to bed, Ihlas, Fela and Nas times read his palm üfledikten sıvazlayan body until the morning after the death, everything else is maintained.
Instantly a tehilike Fatiha read 19 times will be preserved.
Fatiha read 40 times a glass of water in the rain, in the doldrums içirilirse anyone ziniyle God healed.
Enable the second rak'at prayer, every rekatında 7 edilir.Bu pray Fatiha and 3 sincerity okunur.Sonra choosing your own prayer will be accepted.
Get rid of bad huylarından 100 times each day praying for the person reading.
100 times each day praying prayers olur.Malı-Property of the reader increases.
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