ID: com.navitime.transit.germany
Version: 3.9.2
Size: 24 Mb
Transit Germany by NAVITIME Screenshots
How to install Transit Germany by NAVITIME apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Transit Germany by NAVITIME Description
This is for you if you have been thinking there must be a much better route than your usual one!What a no-brainer, and it's FREE!
It is helpful for your travel to use the offline map.
This app will provide you easy journey planning with zoomable interactive maps of BVG(U-Bahn), DB(S-Bahn), BVG(Bus) in Berlin, Germany.
# How to plan a journey
It’s simple. If you know which stations you are going to use, tap the stations to set your origin and destination in the zoomable interactive maps. Additionally, GPS can suggest the station that is currently nearest to you (Internet connection required).
****** Features ******
# Offline map and route search result
Offline map is available to use all the time. You can find which train, subway, metro, bus, flight and ferry let you take to where you go. Route search result is automatically saved your phone, it is also available offline.
# Support multiple language (English/Spanish/French/Germany/Italian/Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese/Korean/Thai/Malay/Japanese) Name of stations and train will be English.
# Set your home station for easier journey planning.
# Search the nearest station.
# Send route results to you, friends and colleagues via SMS or e-mail
We are always happy to respond to your feedback. Should you have any problems, please let us know through our app by pressing the Feedback” tab.
****** Important ******
About the Timetable: The actual departure / arrival times might differ from the displayed result, as they are not the based on the official timetable.
What's new in Transit Germany by NAVITIME 3.9.2
- Minor Bugfixes.Download Transit Germany by NAVITIME 3.9.2 unlimited APK
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How to use Transit Germany by NAVITIME mod apk
How to mod Transit Germany by NAVITIME 3.9.2 apk
How to get Transit Germany by NAVITIME unlimited apk