Name: Spell and Sounds: Trucks!.apk
ID: com.skprem.truckssoundsspell
Version: 1.11.08
Size: 4.8 Mb
Spell and Sounds: Trucks! Screenshots
How to install Spell and Sounds: Trucks! apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Spell and Sounds: Trucks! Description
Spell and Sounds: Trucks is an educational talking picture book app that features lots of crisp images, like fire engines and dump-trucks. Your child will love hearing the noises the trucks make and the parents love how the kids learns how to spell the names of the trucks.Audio is provided by an older child (kids love to hear the older kids!) who speaks and spells the names of the trucks ("Tractor, T-R-A-C-T-O-R, tractor") along with talking letters ("B is for Boy"). The app helps children to learn the names of trucks, as well as help them to recognize and learn the names of letters of the English alphabet, all while having fun with trucks.
Your little one will love viewing the crisp images and hearing the sounds of the trucks and their spellings over and over!
Perfect for preschool, kindergarteners, and 1st & 2nd graders - the app is extremely easy to use and is a great way for little ones to learn the names of letters and spellings of all kinds of different trucks.
Buy it now - hours of entertainment for your kids! Keep them busy and buy this app now.
Tags: Trucks, Construction, Truck Sounds, Sounds, Kids, Children, Education, Preschool, Pre-K, Games, ABC, Alphabet, Flash cards, Flashcards, Zoo, Spell, photobook, picturebook
What's new in Spell and Sounds: Trucks! 1.11.08
Download Spell and Sounds: Trucks! patch 1.11.08 APK
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How to use Spell and Sounds: Trucks! mod apk
How to mod Spell and Sounds: Trucks! 1.11.08 apk
How to get Spell and Sounds: Trucks! lastet apk